Thursday, September 6, 2012

Preschool Craft- Week Two

Week Two- Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14)

Story Time: "The Tale of Three Trees" by Angela Elwell Hunt

Craft Time: Make a Crucifix Out of Clay

What You Need:
-Air Dry Clay
-Corpus Christi Mold (I made my molds by following these instructions)
-Plastic Wrap
-Plastic Knife
-Paper Plates

  Place a piece of plastic wrap on the table for each child. Then give them each a small ball of clay. 
(Mom's may want to take off their rings before helping with clay)

Instruct the children to roll their ball of clay on the table until it makes a long snake.


Fold the "snake" in half and help the child cut the clay to make two pieces. Place the two pieces into the shape of a cross on top of the plastic wrap. Squish the middle together. (Make sure it's on the plastic wrap before you let them squish it because it could get stuck to the table). Use the knife to trim the edges if needed. 


Place the mold on the table. Using another ball of clay, make a flattened circle. Let child press the clay over the top of the mold.


 Tear off the excess clay.

Place the Corpus on the cross. Mold the edges as necessary to get it to stick to the cross. 
(But be sure not to touch the actual corpus because you could mess it up)

Ta da! A crucifix made of clay. In 2-3 days the clay will harden and your child can paint them at home.

 Wrap plastic wrap around it and place on a paper plate to take home. Instruct the children not to touch it while it's still soft!

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