Mission & Patroness

Our Mission:  

It is our mission to provide an amiable atmosphere in which parents and children can work together as a community to immerse ourselves in that which is true, good and beautiful. We hope to instill a love for learning, an appreciation for the traditions of our Catholic faith, charity for our neighbor, and a desire to always follow God's will while focusing on the Tridentine liturgy and calendar. With the help of Mary, Queen of the Apostles, may we be an example to each other on how to live a virtuous life and lead one another to heaven.
We wish to bring together mothers who are seeking to educate their children at home with a Classical or Charlotte Mason approach and who are seeking an Extraordinary Catholic community to help in this homeschool mission of raising human persons. All members of Sancta Familia are faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

"Sanctifying Our Souls, While Educating Our Minds"

                      Our Patroness -
         Sancta Maria, Regina Apostoli
           (Holy Mary, Queen of Apostles)

Mary is Queen of Apostles because she was chosen to be the Mother of Jesus Christ and to give him to the world; she was made the apostles' Mother and our own by our Savior on the cross. She was with the apostles while awaiting the descent of the Holy Spirit, obtaining for them the abundance of supernatural graces they received on Pentecost. The most holy Virgin was and always will be the wellspring for every apostolate.She exercised a universal apostolate, one so vast that it embraced all others. The apostolate of prayer, the apostolate of good example, the apostolate of suffering--Mary fulfilled them all. Other people have practiced certain teachings of the Gospel; Mary lived them all. Mary is full of grace, and we draw from her abundance.
Mary attracts the zealous to the various apostolates, then protects and defends all these works. She sheds on each the warmth of her love and the light of her countenance. She presented Jesus in a manner unparalleled throughout the ages. Her apostolate is of the highest degree--never to be equaled, much less surpassed.
Mary gave Jesus to the world and with Jesus came every other blessing. Thus, because of Mary we have the Church: "Mary is the Mother of the Church not only because she is the Mother of Christ and his most intimate associate in 'the new economy when the Son of God took a human nature from her, that he might in the mysteries of his flesh free man from sin,' but also because 'she shines forth to the whole community of the elect as a model of the virtues' (Lumen Gentium. 55, 65). She now continues to fulfill from heaven her maternal function as the cooperator in the birth and development of the divine life in the individual souls of the redeemed" (The Great Sign, by Paul VI). What do we have of value that we have not received through Mary? It is God's will that every blessing should come to us through her.
Because the Blessed Mother occupies a most important position in God's plan of salvation, all humanity should pay homage to her. Whoever spreads devotion to the Queen of Apostles is an apostolic benefactor of the human race, because devotion to Mary is a treasure. Blessed is the person who possesses this treasure! Mary's devotees will never be without grace; in any danger, in every circumstance they will always have the means to obtain every grace from God.
Several religious congregations practice devotion to Mary under the title of Queen of Apostles, including the Pallotines, the Marianists, and the congregations founded by Bl. James Alberione (the Society of St. Paul, the Daughters of St. Paul, and several others). In the twentieth century, Bl. Alberione promoted this devotion in a particular way.
— Excerpted from Favorite Prayers and Novenas, copyright 1997 Pauline Books & Media

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

Why the 1962 Roman Missal? 

Because most of the teachers in the original co-op group used the 1962 Roman Missal at home, the decision was made to create a co-op that also incorporated this liturgical calendar. We reference the calendar in the morning assembly when we talk about the Saint of the day and during Catechism by using the Our Holy Faith Series from Neumann Press.

The use of the 1962 Liturgical Calendar is allowed by the Church in her document Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum 2007 Pope Benedict XVI. Please see this explanation of the 1962 Liturgy at the website of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter.

Our prayer is that we ourselves may learn more about the 1962 Roman Missal and that we may share our love for the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite with others.

May God bless our hearts and minds as we grow in learning, in knowing, and in teaching.

May God especially bless us as we discover the "lex orandi" (law of prayer) in its ordinary and extraordinary expressions and therefore grow in greater unity in the "lex credendi" (law of belief) (ref. Summorum Pontificum).


What if my family uses the 1970 Roman Missal at home?
We welcome mothers who use the 1970 Roman Missal with open arms and hearts! Our prayer is that in learning about the 1962 Roman Missal your use of the 1970 Roman Missal will be enriched by the Tradition that came before.

What if my family is of a different Rite, such as the Melkite Rite?Again, we welcome all Catholic mothers who are faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church with open arms and hearts! Please just be aware that we will be referring to the Saint of the day according to the 1962 Roman Missal, and of course feasts and fasts will be explained according to this Missal. Catechism will then be a reflection of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite and in obedience to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.  ~Since many of the local Melkites often attend the 12:30 Tridentine Mass when unable to attend a Melkite Catholic Church, this instruction has been appreciated.~

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