Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Celebrating All Souls Day

Don't forget to check out our "Monthly Devotions" tab at the beginning of each month. 

November was just added. 

God bless you and your families!

Religion- Week 6

Preparing for Mass/ Confiteor

The older classes are putting together a book that they will be able to bring to Mass. A "how-to" book of sorts. With instructions, steps, and prayers to help them participate in the Traditional Latin Mass.

This week we covered:
-blessing ourselves with holy water when we enter the church
-finding the tabernacle (saying "hello" to Jesus) and genuflecting before sitting down
-kneeling and saying a prayer to help prepare our minds for Mass
-standing up to greet the priest
-Psalm 42 (expressing our joy at being able to attend Mass)
-Confiteor (telling Jesus that we are sorry for the sins that He will be offered up for in the Mass)
-listening for "Mea culpa" and striking our breast
-crossing ourselves when the priest gives absolution
-what "oremus" means
-what propers are, and where we can find them
-what the altar stone is
-why the priest kisses the altar
-the Introit

*Homework: the children are to find out when their baptism took place, and who the priest was that performed it. Fill in this information in your book.  They are also to try and find out which saint's relics are in the altar of their church.

The Benedictines made a craft in honor of All Saint's Day. They each colored a picture of their patron saint, then glued them onto colored paper and added cotton balls for our "clouds of witnesses display" to help aid us during our Litany to the Saints at the end of the day.

A blessed All Saints and All Souls day to you all!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Religion- Week 5

As we begin our journey through the Mass, we stop first to look at Mass as a whole. The Carmelites, Dominicans, and Franciscans learned that:

1. Mass is divided into two parts: Mass of the Catechumens and Mass of the Faithful

2. Mass of the Catechumens involves the "teaching" part of the Mass, where we hear readings from Sacred Scripture and listen to the priest's sermon. The Dominicans and Franciscans drew a bible on their paper to help them remember what happens during this part of the Mass.

3. I further explained the Three Means God Uses to Teach Us:
           a. Inspired Men (Apostles and Prophets) speak to us through the Epistle
                      ~ The children drew the keys of St. Peter
           b. Jesus speaks to us through the Gospel
                      ~ The children drew a picture of Jesus
           c. Mother Church speaks to us through her priests during the sermon
                      ~ The children drew a picture of a priest

4. Also the Four Kinds of Prayer:
            a. Reparation (asking God's pardon) during the Kyrie
            b. Adoration and Thanksgiving (adoring and thanking God) during the Gloria
            c. Petition (asking God for His gifts) during the Collects

5. The priest would dismiss the Catechumens by saying:
             "Dominus Vobiscum" which translates to "God be with you"

6. Mass of the Faithful involves the re-offering of the Sacrifice of the Cross, and the receiving of our Lord in Holy Communion. The older students drew a chalice and host to help them remember this part of the Mass.

7. The Mass of the Faithful is divided into three parts:
           a. Offertory- offering of bread and wine to be consecrated
           b. Consecration- Jesus is really present and offered
           c. Communion- through Holy Communion we become united with God.

Our littlest ones, the Benedictines, heard a story about the Good Shepherd and made a Shepherd and sheep of their own, from a craft that you can find here.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Science - Week 4 & 5


 Week 4  - We learned about the 3 types of rocks - igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic

 Week 5 - We talked more about Igneous rock.  The Benedictines and Carmelites completed a matching worksheet and then did a coloring sheet.  The Dominicans and Franciscans started a flap-book which they will work on for the next 3 weeks.

No homework. 

Next week will continue with Sedimentary Rock and have a fun project of opening geodes!

Art~ Week 5

This week in art we made paint!
The Carmelites, Dominicans, and Franciscans made their own paint using dried earth pigments, egg yolks, and water.

After they were done making their paint, the children were able to paint!

The Benedictines created a beautiful cross.

The were given blue and yellow paint to use. The painted over a cross made from painter's tape. While painting with the blue and green paint, they mixed the colors and created green! When their paintings were dry, we peeled the cross off the paper and a beautiful, white cross appeared. The children had a wonderful time painting and their two helpers did a fantastic job helping all of those little hands!

History for the Franciscan Class - Week 5

-Joseph McCarthy gave an oral presentation on the hierarchical nature of the feudal system.
-Review of last 2 homework "Fill in the Blank" worksheets.
-Introduction of Feudalism, including general stratification of the populace and the rights and responsibilities of each class.
-Discussion of what life would generally have been like for each class of persons in the feudal system.
-Students participated in a trivia competition with question topics from the previous subjects taught in class to date.

James Cummings will give next week's oral presentation on the Crusades; what were they and why were they fought.

Friday, October 18, 2013

History - Week 4

Pre K-4th
We discussed the story of Saint Patrick and each class did a Saint Patrick coloring page. The two older classes received a map of Ireland that they may color at home, as well as a book on Saint Patrick, which can be filled in, cut out and stapled. The Benedictines completed a shamrock craft. We also reviewed the maps for CCM.

5th-6th grade
~ review of materials from previous weeks
~ introduction of Saint Benedict of Nursia
~ Discussion of the historical importance of the Rule of Saint Benedict and its lasting influence on western monasticism
~ Discussion of the importance of monasteries in preserving Christianity in Western Europe following the fall of the Roman Empire
~ Introduction to Saint Patrick of Ireland
~ Discussion of St. Patrick's life and influence in converting the people of Ireland to Christianity
~ Discussion of the use of the shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity
~ Discussion of the impact of Irish monasteries on the art and culture of medieval Europe with a particular focus on the illuminated manuscripts and Book of Kells
~ Introduction to the Norse (Viking) invasions of western Europe and the advent of Western European Feudal society

~ Each student should fill in the blank questions on page 13 of their Medieval Notebook
~ Joseph McCarthy will conduct a presentation in class on October 21. The topic will be on the "hierarchical nature of medieval social structure."

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Art~Week 4

This week in art, we tried something new. No paint this week!

This week we learned about the art of making a collage. The children were able to create their own collage based of the middle ages! The used paper, feathers, beads, sequins, buttons, ribbon, fabric, and so much more. Of course, a lot of glue was used too!

The Benedictines and Carmelites worked on creating a collage of a Knight or a Lady.

The Dominicans were given the option of creating a Lady, a castle, or a medieval garden. Since the class was filled with ALL girls that day, we saw a lot of Ladies being created.

The Franciscans were given the option of creating a knight(without a template), a Lady, a castle, or a battle. The boys decided to work on the projects together. They created some amazing pieces of artwork.

A lot of creative juices were flowing that day!

Art~ Week 3

Sorry, I just realized that I never posted on what we did for art during week 3!

This week in art we talked about stained glass. We viewed various stained glass windows found in our local churches.
The Benedictines and Carmelites painted a cross sun catchers. The were thrilled with their crosses and were eager to get them home to hang on their windows!

The Dominicans and Franciscans painted glass candle votives with glass paint. We saw a variety of designs emerge from the students. We saw polk a dots, solar systems, flowers, snowflakes, etc. They enjoyed working with the different type of paint.

Our First Field Trip~ Skyline Caverns

For our first field trip of the year, we ventured out and explored Skyline Caverns. 
We traveled down underneath the ground and searched for various rocks and formations.

The children listening to our wonderful tour guide. He was amazing with the children.

We saw stalactites. 

A stalagmite that resembles the Holy family.

A fun time was had by all that attended.

Religion- Week 4

This week we continued our lessons about the altar by learning the nomenclature of even more items used for Mass. This included:
1. Corporal
2. Pall
3. Purificator
4. Cruets
5. Lavabo Dish
6. Lavabo Towel
7. Credence Table
8. Burse
9. Chalice Veil
10. Tabernacle
11. Ciborium
12. Sanctuary Lamp

After this, the children practiced their skills by labeling a picture of an altar all set up for Mass. Our youngest group, the Benedictines, made a sun craft for the Miracle of the Sun, which took place on October 13, 1917 in Fatima, Portugal.

The children have learned about the Liturgical year, the priest's vestments, and the items used to set up the altar for Mass. Next week, we will begin to walk through the steps of Mass!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Religion- Week 3

In our third week of co-op, we began our Altar lesson. First, I read to them from my Children's Picture Bible, the story of the Last Supper.  Then I asked them to think of something that still goes on today that involves Jesus, bread, and wine. Holy Mass, of course! :) I than taught them the nomenclature of a few items they would see at Mass.
1. Altar
2. Altar Cloth
3. Chalice
4. Paten
5. Crucifix
6. Candles (on both sides of the crucifix)
7. Missal
8. Altar Cards

We will continue learning more about the altar in Week 4.