Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sorry for the delay in reporting from 4-6 grade!!

This past Monday, week 4, we covered quite a lot of ground!  Thank you to all who helped organize children's binders and helped to explain the need to move forward, even if not completely finished with the entire lesson.  I will highlight in each section where there is an element of homework in order to save time.  Obviously, all homework is at your discretion and none will actually be collected, but we will continue as if all students have completed the work.
Latin: We covered lesson 3 mostly.  Each of the students should have a worksheet pg6 to complete at home.  Answers: for D: 1-b, 2-i, 3-a, 4-c, 5-e, 6-d, 7-g, 8-f, 9-h  If they have time, the students should practice the pronunciation E as well.  The students are progressing well with Latin.  This system relies heavily on a close association with English grammar, so some may be learning both!!
Poetry: We discussed The Village Blacksmith in class.  We focused on the idea of verse, stanza and rhyme patterns.  We also discussed the intention of the author in using a different rhyme pattern for the original stanza as compared to the rest of the poem.  Students were asked to think about whether the author of the poem liked or disliked blacksmiths.
Science: We finished using the microscopes and have a worksheet showing the differences between animal and plant cells. A reference sheet of our classifications was passed out and should remain in the binder.  We looked at our arthropod cubes and sketched an arthropod.  We tried to emphasize the Head, Thorax, Abdomen noting out that the legs/wings attach to the thorax even if they look like they attach to the abdomen.  Homework--if desired kids could see if they could find an arthropod around the house and look at it closely.
English: We did lesson 14-15.  We discussed lesson 15 first and did not write out any of those answers; this may be completed as extra if mom needs an extra English assignment.  Lesson 14 was to be completed at home as writing seems to be the most consistent trigger for the class.  A-e were completed in class; questions 2-4 were homework.
Geography: We found the areas of the map from CCM and discussed how we can use bodies of water as a landmark.
History: We discussed the travels of Abraham.  Connecting week 3 to this week, we discussed that the Tower of Babel may have been a ziggurat like the ones discussed last week. We discussed the significance of Abraham's name change and how his grandson's name was changed to Israel. We followed Abraham's travels on two maps while telling tales of his journey.
The students enjoyed art and music with their respective teachers and all subjects were covered.Yea!!
Students should bring their student book of CCM and both latin books to each class.  Maps per that week's lesson are required as well. We do our best to share, but it is difficult for all to follow along with a limited number of books. ILL books are NOT required as I print out sheets.  If we bring the CCM book, then even with a limited number of maps all can follow along in the book! Please do not send Teacher's Editions if it can be helped.
Finally, Mrs. Durgin came and spoke to the class about the importance of 4-6 graders being leaders and showing good manners.  She emphasized doing the best one can on controlling behavior and how littler ones are watching.  (I know there was more! However, since I agreed with her statements, they are not pushing to the forefront of my brain! Sorry for the lack of transparency!)
Welcome to two new students: G. and L. Clark! I think all did a nice job of keeping up with the pace and being attentive. Thank you to Mary Belton who aided our class and cleaned for us!!! Thank you as well for Mary bringing her microscope once again!!


  1. You are welcome!

  2. My kids like that you are organized and intent on getting the work done. They really enjoy the sciences in general and the history this year is really sounding interesting!
