Monday, October 8, 2012

2nd and 3rd Grade~ Week 4

Religion~ This week, we discussed Moses and his obedience to God. We talked about how God chose Moses to free the Israelites from slavery. This tied into our virtue of obedience. The kids each received a coloring page of Moses parting the Red Sea. Unfortunately, we ran out of time so the kids were told to take the page home and color the page there.

History~ We divided the class into 2 groups of 5. Each group worked on a map tracing the journey of Abraham. The children labeled the 3 major rivers, the Nile, the Euphrates, and the Tigris; the cities of Ur, Haran, Canaan, Mamri and the country of Egypt. After labeling all the important places, each group traced the route Abraham took. They then placed pictures of native plants and animals that Abraham would have seen during his journey. We learned about some new animals that we do not get to see here in the United States, like the Markhor, Argali, and the Saiga Antelope.

Geography~ History and Religion ran a little long today, so we didn't get to the maps this week.

English~ We worked on dictation this week. We read a few sentences for the children to write. Some of our students zipped right through the sentences, while some of the younger students put in a valiant effort into spelling the words and getting there sentences done. We worked on lesson 22 of Primary Language Lessons if you would like to work on it at home.

Science~ During science, we discussed  arthropods. The children were able to view a variety of arthropods that make up the 3 main groups, insects, arachnids, and crustaceans. After viewing the variety of creatures, the children were asked to sketch one example of each main group. We had a few crabs, spiders, wasps, beetles, and millipedes drawn. They did an amazing job trying to capture the detail of each tiny arthropod. We have a few budding artists in our class!

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