Monday, October 22, 2012

2nd-3rd grade week 6

History/Geography -- We first found all the countries listed for the week in CCM.  Next we moved on to the Egyptians, specifically mummification and the sarcophagus.  The children viewed pictures of mummies and what a mummy is.  We also saw the elaborate coffins in which the pharaohs' bodies were placed.  The students then used an outline of a sarcophagus to create their own version. 

Religion -- The children listened to the lesson which  touched on many topics including the Annunciation, Nativity, Trinity, St. Joseph, the Crucifixion,  Redemption, and the saints  The kids had lots of comments to add, especially concerning the saints.  The main theme for this and previous lessons has been obedience of Biblical figures.  In the coming lessons, we will see how we can be obedient to God by following the 10 Commandments.

English  -- We discussed the difference between there and their.  Lesson 33 was done orally.  The kids copied the first two sentences of Lesson 32.  The faster writers completed the rest of the lesson which was dictated to them. 

Science --  The kids were really excited to see live beetles today!  First, they viewed the mealworms and noted the difference between the pupa stage and the larva stage.  They then drew these observations.  Afterwards, the children saw and learned about a Hercules beetle, brought in live by Mrs. G.  It was massive!  In the final minutes we learned about the characteristics of an anthropod.  The kids saw a picture of a scorpion and a spider.  We noted the two parts of the spider,  what each contained, the number of legs it has, and its many eyes.

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