Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Language Arts- Week 3

We reviewed the eight parts of speech and proper and common nouns from last week. Then we discussed this week's grammar memorization sentence. 
What is a possessive noun?
A possessive noun shows that someone (or something) owns an item and is made by adding an apostrophe s.
I showed them some examples on the board, and also taught them a little trick of how you can check to make sure you put the apostrophe in the correct spot. 
The boy's room. (Ask yourself, Who's room? The boy. so if you cover up the apostrophe s, you should only see the boy.)
The Shaffers' house. (Who's house? The Shaffers.)
For homework:
Carmelites and Dominicans(1st-4th grade): Write a sentence using a possessive noun. Draw a picture to go with it.
Franciscans (5th-6th grade): We did not have time to go over grammar in class this week. Hopefully we can go over it next week along with Week 4's grammar. 

Great Words 1:
We learned one more motion for each line. 
1. Make a fist with one hand, and pound it on the palm of the other, to show something "hard".
2. Move your hand from left to right, ina  rainbow motion to show the clear, blue sky.
3. Put your hands together like you're begging.
4. Put your hands on your hips in disbelief over having to go to bed while it's still light out. :)

That's the last stanza! The children should be able to recite the entire poem now. 

The Franciscans turned in their papers and I returned their papers from last week. Please have your child write their final draft, adding any corrections I made to their papers. They have been instructed to keep all their final drafts in a notebook or folder, and to add a picture to each one. At the end of the year, their book will be on display for parents to see. :) 
Next, the children took a Vocabulary quiz. I took these home to grade. Your child will get them back next week.
Then I taught them a new "dress up". The who-which clause. See your child's notebook for examples.
We made another keyword outline based on a short story about Jamestown and learned 4 new vocabulary words

For homework:
Study your vocabulary words.
Write a paragraph using your Key Word Outline. Follow the checklist just like last week. The newest item listed is to add a who-which clause, and to come up with a more creative title by using the keywords from your last sentence.

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