Monday, February 25, 2013

Co-op Meeting #12, K-1st

(although I missed today due to a sick child, here is what the kids did in my absence, thanks to Megan M. and Allison S.)

Religion - read and discussed Chapter 6 in O.H.F. about the Public Life of Jesus. The children did a coloring page depicting Jesus raising the dead girl to life.

English - picture study (PLL Lesson 140), discussion and story writing. The children were asked to "write" a story about what they saw in the picture, and they dictated their stories to the teachers.

Poetry - they worked on the second stanza of "The City Mouse Lives in a House". Any child who would like to perform the poem in front of the class has two weeks to practice for when we meet again, March 11.

History - they read (and I believe acted out, as we've done the past two weeks) the Aesop's Fable, "Two Travelers and a Bear". I did not find an appropriate coloring page for this story, but they did a copywork sheet on the moral "Misfortune is the test of true friendship". At home, there is plenty of writing space to copy the moral a second time. Another idea is to have the child draw freehand an illustration to show what they remember from the story.

Geography - the students traced the map of Greece, using a piece of tracing paper over top of the map of Ancient Greece we have worked with the last two weeks. At home, they may like to use colored pencils to color the land and sea, or add other details from the "master map" onto the traced copy.

Presentations - Finn M. brought in one of their family's baby chicks!

Science - they reviewed the characteristics of fish and amphibians and read about reptiles from the Handbook of Nature Study. As sometimes happens, the class ran out of time to add to the lapbooks this week. If you'd like to do so at home, simply write (or have your child draw depictions of) the characteristics of reptiles from the CCM Science question this week - backbones, scales, cold-blooded.

See you next week for the field trip!