Friday, November 9, 2012

Week 7: 2nd-3rd grade

Religion~ We started discussing The 10 Commandments God gave Moses on Mount Sinai. We focused on the first commandment this week. After talking about it, the children drew a picture to reinforce the lesson.

Geography~ We went over the map sections for week 7. It was great to see the kids remember where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers were located from our previous lessons!

History~We learned about Hammurabi and his laws. We went over a few of the laws and discussed whether or not they were fair. We did some make work locating where Hammurabi's kingdom was.

Music~ The children enjoyed signing rounds with the music teacher.

English~ We did lesson 34 about a cat and a mouse. The children listened to the sentences and tried to write them down from memory.

Poetry~ We started discussing The Frog by Hilaire Belloc. We learned that the poem was writing in a style that allowed the reader to hear/picture the frog hopping about.

Science~ We had a fun presentation from K. Schwartzmiller. She brought in a black and brown fuzzy caterpillar named Mr. Blacky Pants. She did a excellent job of telling us about him and brought in pictures of what type of moth he would turn into. All the children were very excited to hold and touch the fuzzy little creepy crawler. Even the teachers held him!
For the rest of science class, we looked at the Darkling beetles that have emerged from their pupa stage. We showed the Hercules beetle to the students that were absent the previous week.
The end of class was filled with a review of the characteristics of an insect!

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