Thursday, March 15, 2012

Science, Week 20 with Catholic Schoolhouse Curriculum

This week's experiment was not successful, but I think that very fact drove home the reality of the word "experiment." The children were to try to light a light bulb using only potatoes, nails, and leads. Next to the lightening experiment during our quarter on weather, this was probably the most exciting day yet in science. Thanks to Catholic Schoolhouse's Science Curriculum for suggesting the activity! The students all banned together to light the light bulb, and they were full of ideas and excitement. Many planned to return home to do research on how to make it work!

My favorite quote was from the same young man who expressed worries last week. At the very beginning of class, I heard a small voice say, "Mrs. Rolling, are there going to be resistors today?" I responded that there would be no resistors today, and he relaxed his shoulders, smiled, and said, "Oh, good. Now, I don't have to be worried!"

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