Thursday, November 3, 2011

Weather Observation, weeks 7-12

During this second quarter at Catholic Schoolhouse, we will be observing the weather. Some of our families are very young, the oldest child only being 5-7 years of age. Here are some tips for observing the weather with younger children:

  1. Keep the activity age appropriate. If your oldest is 5 years of age, consider using this as an opportunity to learn about the calendar, days of the week, and months. Have your child draw a picture of what the weather looks like: a sun, a cloud, a sun covered slightly by a cloud, a cloud with rain, etc.
  2. Keep it fun! If it is too stressful for your family to record the weather everyday, decide to check the weather four days of the week.
  3. Check out books from the library about weather! This is a great time to read books about storms and winter storms and the like.
  4. Here are some free weather coloring pages as well:
If you just do a Google search, you will find many more coloring page options for the weather! Have fun!
*Project developed by Mrs. Rolling.

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