Monday, October 15, 2012

2nd-3rd grade week 5

History-- This week we discussed the importance of the Nile River.  The children learned why the Egyptians chose to settle by the river, some crops they grew, and some of the animals they had.  We also talked a bit about pyramids and then the children made a paper pyramid.  Additional activities were sent home to continue the Egyptian theme.

Geography -- we briefly went over the places listed in CCM for this week

Religion --  The children listened to the story of Samuel read from the New Catholic Picture Bible. The running theme for religion right now is obedience so we discussed how Samuel was obedient to God.

English -- We covered Lesson 29 orally, and then the students had time to begin copying the sentences.  We did not cover Lesson 30.  We also talked about the first stanza of the  CCM poem Who Has Seen the Wind.

Science -- For science we talked about beetles, and their life cycle.  The children cut out and assembled a life cycle chart for the beetle.  The most exciting part of class was viewing live mealworms which will grow to be adult beetles.  For the next view weeks we will be observing the changes!



1 comment:

  1. try for creating great handwriting or printing practice pages!
