
Week 1: Holy Trinity
Explanation using apples 
Trinity Triangle Craft

Week 2: Grace
Explain Grace using a balloon, water, and fire
Warning: you will need to adjust the activity above to follow Catholic doctrine!

Week 3: Sanctifying Grace
Baptismal Shell craft from Growing with My Girls

Week 4: Actual Grace
"An example of the wonderful action of the Holy Ghost in enlightening the mind and strengthening the will is the First Pentecost. Before the descent of the Holy Ghost, the Apostles were ignorant and afraid; after His descent, His grace made them wise and fearless men, going forth to preach Christ everywhere, ready to die for their faith." - My Catholic Faith, by Fr. Louis Morrow

Pentecost Craft

Week 5: Sacraments
 Sacrament Faith Folder

Week 6: Theological Virtues

Print and Color

Week 7: Cardinal Virtues
Read quote about Cardinal virtues by St. Augustine. Have the kids draw symbols for each virtue.

Week 8: Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Week 9: Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Adjust craft to the 12 fruits

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