Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Preschool & Kindergarten Art~ Week 2

Fall has arrived.
 Cooler weather is here.
         It's now apple picking season here!

So this week in art, the Angels (preschool) and the Benedictines (Kindergarten) were able to work with watercolors.

The kids painted an apple tree. They had fun creating the tree, grass, and sky. When their pictures were dry, we added little red pompoms to the painting to represent the apples.

The kids loved the added pompoms. Everyone loaded up their trees with apples and some had a few on the ground.

This was a wonderful project for the kids, since we will be visiting a real apple orchard in a few weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, very beautiful paintings! Kids love to do painting. I also have a daughter, she is in Phoenix preschool and you believe she makes awesome paintings. On her this birthday, we have plan to gift her painting kit. I am sure she will love it.
