Week 4 - Yankees
We spoke about charity this week and how to practice this amongst class members. We spoke about St. Elizabeth Anne Seton and how she modeled our psalm of the week, and we spoke about perfect charity which is the Cross and we thought about how we can imitate Christ on the cross.
We so strongly need charity in the coming weeks in order to help draw out some of our more internal students, who are somewhat inhibited by others joking and lauphter. I did not ever consider this myself until it was brought to my attention by a parent. I am learning the finer points of charity from our parent helpers. Thank you!
We also read about the Boston Tea Party and had a game of taxes that were unfairly taken by the students. This was alot of fun!
We are starting to diagram our parts of speech as this is a great visual aid for these less concrete concepts.
We will continue to do this as we continue to learn parts of speech and how to use them.
Another visual aid we are using is our hundreds chart. I hope to print up more of these for home use so the children can see the patterns created by the skip counted numbers.
I am very proud of our presentations these last two weeks as they were well prepared with notes and both creative and researched. Good Job presenters!
Catholic. Tridentine. Classic. An Extraordinary Homeschool Cooperative for Grades Pre-K to 6th. For the academic year 2013-2014, we are focusing on these themes: The Christian Age and Earth Science/Astronomy. Music will involve Gregorian Chant singing lessons. Art offers a variety of activities in diverse media. Religion will focus on the Liturgical Year and the Mass.
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