Saturday, February 7, 2015

Music- February

For February, we are learning a Lenten hymn called, Think of the Son of God. If you haven't already, please sign up for Traditional Catholic Living's monthly newsletter. You can find the music for this month's hymn here, on page 276:

And listen to the piano for it here:

Language Arts- Week 9

Because of our long break, we reviewed all the grammar we have learned so far. Then we went over this week's memory sentence.
What is an adverb?
An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or another verb.

After discussing adverbs, I showed a few examples on the board. 
For homework:
Carmelites: Write as many adverbs as you can think of for the word "talk"
Dominicans: Write as many adverbs as you can think of for the word "talk"

Great Words 1:
Time to learn a very long poem! We again practiced different movements for each line to help us memorize the poem.
1. Princess Pocahontas (make a triangle with your fingers and put them on your head to look like a tiara)
2. Powhatan's daughter (cross your arms like an Indian chief and bow your head)
3. Stared at the white men (make a glaring expression)
4. Come across the water (make a wave with your hand)

We reviewed all style techniques that the children have been taught so far this year. I also taught the children a few new decorations. Dialogue, alliterations, similes, and metaphors. We also read a short story about "The Shot Heard 'Round the World." We worked on a story sequence chart together.
For homework:
The children are to complete a quotation worksheet to help them learn the proper way to use dialogue within a story. They were also given a copy of Longfellow's "Paul Revere." They are to mark any alliteration, simile, or metaphor that they can find in the poem. 

Science- Week 9

The Law of Conservation of Energy

This week in Science I talked to the children about The Law of Conservation of Energy. I pointed out to them that "conserve" sounds like "preserve" and that energy cannot be created or destroyed, therefore being "preserved". I also showed them an example of potential and kinetic energy. (Hold a ball- potential. Drop the ball- kinetic)

We also talked about two scientific statements. 

1. Potential energy increases when the height of an object increases.

To see if the statement is true, we made a ramp and dropped a ball down the ramp. We marked the spot where it stopped. Then we increased the height of the ramp, and compare the stopping point of the ball. It did indeed go further because of the increase in potential energy. 

2. Kinetic energy increases as the mass of an object increases. 

To test this statement, we released a golf ball and a styrofoam ball down the ramp at the same time and the golf ball went much faster and further than the styrofoam ball, proving that this statement was also true. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

1st-2nd grade art~ Week 5

In class this week, the Carmelites created owls in a tree.

Materials Needed
Blue construction paper
Black paint
Brown paint
White paint

This is an easy project to do yet challenging enough to engage even the more advanced artist in this age group.

Some of the kids wanted to paint their owls instead of using their hands to create the owl. Either way works.

Preschool & Kindergarten Art~ Week 5

This week the Angels and Benedictine classes created their own pieces of Indian Corn.

We used green and yellow construction paper to create ears of corn. To get the Indian corn look, we added button of yellow, orange, and cream to our ears!

They had a fun adding the buttons to their pieces of corn...some a little more fun than others.