Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Informational Meeting Coming Soon

Keep your eyes open for the upcoming notice of our first informational meeting.
If you know of families interested in Schola Rosa, please let them know we will be having a meeting soon.
We are very excited about our upcoming year.
Details will be coming soon!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ascension Thursday!

A blessed Ascension Thursday to you all! A Traditional High Mass will be held at 
St. John's Catholic Church in Front Royal, VA 
at 5:30 pm today. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Feast Day of our Patroness Saint Rose Venerini

Happy Feast Day to our Patroness Saint Rose Venerini!

Sancta Rosa, ora pro nobis!

Field Trip to Wilson's Animal Park

For our last field trip of the year, we headed off to a local animal park. The children were able to put into use all of their knowledge they learned this year about mammals and birds!

After two days of rain, the children were more than eager to get out an enjoy the warm, spring sunshine!
I think many of the parents were too!

We saw tigers, lions,bears, camels, and so much more.

The children were able to feed the goats, deer, and very large bison.

A fun day was had by all!