(I'm sorry I'm getting this out later than usual. We had a bit of a family emergency last evening and I'm still playing catch up :)
Religion - we studied "
how to make a good confession", following the Lesson 10 catechism questions in O.H.F. (Our Holy Faith). Then the children did a coloring page on the Sacrament of Penance.
English - our
Picture Study was of a little girl and dog, possibly looking to share some of her food. The children were asked to
write a story about the picture and they dictated it to us, or wrote it down themselves. After everyone had had a chance to write, many volunteered to have their story read aloud to the class.
Poetry - we briefly discussed & recited the 12
months of the year, and began learning the first stanza (Jan. and Feb.) of our new poem (CCM Week 13).
History - this week we learned a little about
Greek theater, which tied in so nicely with their art projects. We read a short passage from the text
Old World's Gifts to the New, and discussed the difference between a tragedy (sad play) and a comedy (funny play). The children were then given an illustration of an ancient Greek amphitheater to color. We suggested they draw some masks around the margins, so you may see happy, sad, or scary masks around your child's coloring sheet.
(no Geography today to allow more time for the Science project)
Science - ooo, what fun! We reviewed the first three classes of vertebrates we have learned thus far: fish, amphibians, and reptiles. This week we add
birds. We recited their characteristics and discussed "what makes a bird a bird?" and sets it apart from other animals (feathers). We talked a little about owls and their nocturnal eating habits and then jumped right in to our
owl pellet dissection. Some of our little scientists were so meticulous about separating their bones into neat little piles, and several tried to match their bones to the ones on the bone chart.