Thursday, November 20, 2014

Religion Week 7

"Suffered Under Pontius Pilate" is the next line of the Creed.  In 1st through 4th, we answered the worksheets together, and talked about who Pontius Pilate was and how Jesus was condemned to death.  We also talked about how it was necessary for Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us so that we can get to heaven one day.  Then we did fun toothpick crosses.  They can be cut out after drying.  The craft was found here.

In 5th and 6th, we also went over the Week 5 homework about Christ as our Good Shepherd, and how He always takes care of us.  Also, just as sheep are sometimes marked for their owners, we have a permanent mark on out souls from Baptism so Christ knows we belong to Him.  We discussed how in the analogy, the sheepdogs are like bishops and priests that help steer us toward Jesus.  We also decided the Devil is like a wolf!  Yikes!  Here's a fun video :)

We also did a great crucifix watercolor craft found here.  The kids did a great job!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Music- November

For the month of November, we are learning an Advent hymn: Conditor Alme Siderum

Here's a video from YouTube:

If you'd like to learn more about what we're learning at co-op, or continue the lessons at home, you can sign up for the Sacred Music Study Newsletter provided by Traditional Catholic Living. Sign up here:

Science- Week 6

Topic: Acids and Bases


This weeks memory sentence explained the differences between acids and bases. To help visualize this, we discussed the differences between a lemon and a bar of soap. Then it was time to experiment with some household items to see if they were acidic or basic! 

First, we tested orange juice, vinegar, and laundry detergent. The children guessed that the OJ and vinegar were acids, and that the laundry detergent was a base. We tested it by placing drops of each on blue and red litmus paper. The children guessed all three correctly.

Next, we tested 7-Up, lemon juice, and Windex. The children guessed that the soda and lemon juice were acids, and that the Windex was a base. This time we tested it by adding red cabbage juice to each. If the item turned a reddish-pink, it was an acid. If it turned yellowish-green, it was a base. It was really neat watching them change colors! The children made the correct guesses again. 

Last, we retested everything to see where it landed on the pH scale. I had a special solution to add to each item, and we watched the colors change again. The children did a great job finding the correct spot for each on the pH scale.

Language Arts- Week 6

We reviewed the eight parts of speech, proper and common nouns, possessive nouns, pronouns, and action verbs. Those who completed their homework shared it with the class. Then we discussed this week's grammar memorization sentence. 
What is a linking verb and a helping verb?

A linking verb joins the subject and predicate, and does not show action. A helping verb helps the main verb.

After discussing linking verbs, I showed a few examples on the board. I taught them another "cheer" with more linking verbs.
Have, has, had. (clap, clap)
do, does, did (clap, clap)
shall, will, should, would, may, might, must (pause)
caaaaaan, couuuuuuuuuld.  
I then wrote a few sentences and had the children find the linking verb.
For homework:
Carmelites: Write one sentence with a linking verb. Circle the linking verb.
Dominicans:Write three sentences with linking verbs. Circle the linking verbs.

Great Words 1:
After practicing the first 8 lines, we learned the last 4. Then we practiced the poem in it's entirety.
1. Move your arm in a rainbow shape for "All"
2. Pretend your cuddling something (wrap your arms around yourself)
3. Put your elbow in your other hand and put that arm straight up, with your fingers spread out like a flower.
4. Raise your hands up quickly with an emphasis on "up"
The Franciscans turned in their papers and I returned their Week 4 papers.
Our Style technique for this week was the "Because Clause".  Very easy. Just add a "because" to a sentence in order to add more information. The children took their second vocabulary quiz. I will grade and return on Monday. They also learned four more new words. We did write down a new keyword outline. I would like the children to take this time to start re-writing their final drafts of papers I have returned to them, if they haven't already. So also the homework below.
For homework:
Since we did not write a Key Word Outline, I asked the children to just add on to a paragraph they already wrote.They should still use the checklist I gave them, but if the paragraph already has something on the checklist, they do not need to add it again.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Religion Week 6

The next line of the Creed this week is "Conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary."  In 1st through 4th, we talked about the Annunciation and the Immaculate Conception and answered the worksheet questions together.  The CCM memory work was about love of God, neighbor, and self.  We then talked about the gospel reading of Zacheus from this past Sunday, and told how in the end, he loves God first, his neighbor, and himself.  They also did a coloring sheet.
In 5th and 6th, we also went over the homework that was given back-- the term "Messiah," and how important that the Apostles called Jesus the Christ.  We also discussed how important it is to understand the Catholic Faith so that we can defend the Church, and be able to explain to non-Catholics what we believe.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Science- Week 5

Topic: Chemical Reactions
This week we experimented with five chemical reactions. Combustion, Synthesis, Decomposition, Single Displacement, and Double Displacement. To help the the children remember this, I taught them an easy mnemonic phrase. Come See Dad Sing and Dance. To remember the second word in the last two, just think that if Dad was to dance, he might displace (like dislocate) a bone. ;) 

I then demonstrated the activities suggested in our CCM book for week 5. The kids enjoyed blowing up a balloon with vinegar and baking soda. :) Ask them about our decomposition experiment, where I added a slice of potato to hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen Peroxide is H2O2. When you add a raw potato, it attracts one of the oxygen molecules (which we could see by the bubbles forming on the potato) causing the peroxide to turn into H2O- water! 

Here's a neat experiment you can try at home if you have 6% hydrogen peroxide (the kind you find at the store is only 3%):